Oct 31st Halloween day - It was not just like any other day. It was not just about trick or treating, wearing scary costumes, lighting bonfires, carving pumpkin lanterns and telling & listening to scary stories. This day marked the end of harvest season. It's an ancient Celtic festival at which time it was believed that the barrier between This world and the Other world was removed so that the dead could visit the living :-) .
Now, let's see what Kavya & Oviya did for last Halloween. Both went 'Trick or Treat' to the nearby vet hospital & the pet store with their dearest pet pal 'Snowy'. Everyone was dressed up for the occasion. We had 2 bumble bees & a fall gift basket. They loved their costumes. I know, it was funny & not scary :-P. Wooahh... It was so much fun meeting other dogs who were dressed up too :-) .

While they were nearing their 2nd birthday, Kavya had a bunch of vocabulary & Oviya had a bunch of her gymnastic moves :-) . Their understanding was growing rapidly & their attitudeushas based on their likes & dislikes. They wanted our attention all the time, cried when we didn't play with them, circled us all the time - It all only meant one thing... They were showing their abundant love & affection :-) .
Sometimes, dads have to go that extra mile to make kids happy :-P . And the great winning look in the kid's face is priceless ;-) .