There came a day when the girls Kavya & Oviya had to step out of their comfort zone & face a different world outside. Though it was hard to watch them take their first steps towards life without me, I've to accept that their learning experience was about to begin in every step they take. A gentle remainder to myself: The world outside is not going to be like the sweetest ice cream all the time. The road ahead is going to be rough & I was nervous about preparing them to walk on it. Come on! I knew this day would come. Why was I making a big deal out of it?
When the chickens came out of the hen's warmth,
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It was insane! :-).
On the first day of the school, both were crying and crying due to separation anxiety. Even when Oviya got better within 5-6 classes, Kavya was still crying. The teachers didn't want a crying child in their class (?!!), even though we can't expect all the children to be on their best behavior. No worries, we switched their school couple of times to find a perfect one for them. Now both like their school & their teachers and hence the nightmare turned out to be a morning mare :-). Well, there's nothing called a morning mare, right? But, I was experiencing total engrossed mornings once they started enjoying their 5 day school routine that included giving bath & breakfast, getting them ready to providing lunch & dropping & picking them at school. It felt like rolling on skates without a skateboard :-).
We thought Kavya & Oviya would get used to different people & different environment if they had variety of exposure. That's when we found the Academy of dance where they learnt Balle dance :-). It helped practice their large motor skills like balancing, galloping, skipping, building muscles in the arms & legs. They started loving it. There aren't much people around them to pamper their childhood days. It's only classes like these keep them occupied.
Something else was happening with the girls when they started to learn and see things outside the house. They were in the first step to unveil the ignorance & innocence and broaden their independence. I don't know why, their wanting to be independent wasn't pleasing me :-/. Both began using restrooms on their own, started eating on the table with spoon & fork, commenced choosing what to eat & what to wear, initiated conversations & made own decisions. These were happening for good, but 'I' was still waiting to do all these for them. It was a bit hard to watch them say, "Mommy, I don't need your help, I can do it on my own"!!
Ready or not, they are going to grow up more and there's going to be lot of shocking & interesting changes :-).