
Sunday, June 9, 2013

A week after hatching

Nov 30 2011

Our 3rd wedding anniversary coincided the day when the babies were one week old. There was no mood for celebration. Still in recovery, I could barely cope up with the new change.

They were sleeping most of the time and cried when they were hungry or needed comfort.  While Kavya was still analyzing the new environment, Oviya seemed suspicious about everything she saw. The whole routine of diaper change, feeding, burping, spit-up and sponge bath continued throughout the week and I didn't know the difference between day & night ;-)  

By one week, the babies started recognizing my voice (Every mom's pride) :-)
They felt safe and comfy in my arms. We swaddled them all the time to make them more comfortable. Swaddling is done to make any newborn feel warm & protected like they were in the womb. It really worked!

Since I was in the initial stage of pre-eclampsia at the end of pregnancy ( A serious condition arising in the second half of pregnancy, which is marked by a dramatic increase in blood pressure and swelling of face, arms & legs),  I looked like a swollen pumpkin and my all time high weight was 175 lbs :O.  My determination and hard work made me reduce to my pre-pregnancy weight  120 lbs :-D

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