Their Mickey & Minnie craze wasn't ending anywhere. They always played with these character fur toys. They also had a huge teddy to play with. Kavya would give lot of kisses to it. They loved to jump, roll, sit & stand over the teddy. I think, our pet Snowy became a toy too in their hands. He doesn't seem to regret it though :-).

Kavya & Oviya were a complete mixture of feelings. Their way of cute expressions, naughty actions, strong opinions, silly giggles - everything was based on what they saw in both mom & dad. We feel so proud that they're following & learning from us. I guess, every parent experiences the joy of being a role model to their children. This in turn means every child chooses to follow his/her parent only when they feel that their parent is capable of guiding them in the right direction. I know we have this greatest responsibility of being their best mentor, friend, guide & teacher to make them better persons in this world. This picture depicts their happy moment. I hope we fulfill our responsibilities & make this laughter last for decades :-).

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