
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New milestone

According to the human evaluation... nah... Let me start this way...

All babies are unique and meet milestones at their own pace. There were huge differences between Kavya & Oviya in meeting their milestones even though they were twins. 
Kavya was the first to sit on her own. Oviya was trying to crawl and would always move towards Kavya to pull her. So, we placed some pillows in between them to block (this worked out only for few days :) ). They listened & laughed even if I sing the same song or played the same game again and again and again. They never get bored :) I was happy that they were beginning to understand my 'No's and 'Don't do's.

Playpen became their favorite place to hang out. They had all their favorite toys in it. They started paying attention to the songs played in TV. It was fun watching them play all day. Eating, sleeping and playing were their whole day jobs. I wondered what a busy schedule they had :) Something seemed to strike them at this point. Since they were watching each other closely, when one of them cries, the other started crying thinking that something went wrong. This made the doctor visits horrible. Both used to be crying inconsolably even if one gets the shots. And of course, if one gets up in the middle of the night, the other one gets up too :(

When beautiful moments happen, I sure like to picture it. I tell both of them everyday to give me kisses. Finally, Oviya seemed to get the point. I was a proud momma to get Oviya's first kiss :) When I take her lips near my face, she would bend and bite my cheeks :). Lucky me, no teeth by then. 

A baby's kiss - I recommend including this in the wonders of the world :P

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